Holy Moly! Get a Great Night's Sleep in ONE night!! 
(Without Taking Unhealthy Sleep Aids, Feeling Sluggish During The Day, Taking In Too Much Coffee or Unhealthy Energy Drinks...!)
"Are You Sick and Tired of Not Being Able to Sleep Well Despite Being Exhausted?"

From Theresa Tran
McKinney, TX
RE: How to Get a Good Night's Sleep 

Dear friend,

It is a FACT - most people struggle getting a Good Night's Rest even though they've had a long day and they're TIRED. 

WHY?  Because their body is imbalanced due to STRESS and possibly because of Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits. 

Would you like to sleep like a BABY and wake up feeling REFRESHED

Then this is the ANSWER to your PRAYER! 

Hi! I'm Theresa Tran. My husband and I have 5 children ranging from 13 years old down to 21 months old. 

10 years ago, after my 2nd child, I wanted to lose my baby weight and get healthy so I joined a fitness group for moms. As a result, I became the most fit I had ever been in my life, even more fit than before I was married! I decided to become a fitness instructor and have been enjoying helping moms reach their fitness goals for 8 years now. 

Then 8.5 years ago, I started my own business. With a business comes stress and many late nights since I couldn't work much till after the kids went to bed. 

A year and a half later, the Lord called me to homeschool my children. It is one of the most challenging things I've ever done but it is also the most Rewarding thing I've ever done. It certainly leaves me mentally exhausted many days. Not to mention,  I also must keep up the house and cook dinner and do ALL the things that a stay at home mom does!

Needless to say, I am TIRED by the time I hit the bed. But I notice, despite the long days, I do not get a complete night’s rest. I toss and turn a lot in my sleep. 


"How to Make Sure You Get a GOOD Night's Sleep!"
I've got an amazing product called the BOOSTER.

It helps you get a Good Night's Sleep after trying it for just ONE night!

If you've been struggling to get a good night's rest, waking up feeling exhausted, then THIS is what you've been looking for

Click on the link now to start your journey to getting that Good Night's Rest!
The Booster Experience Pack!
The Booster pack enough for One Night's Sleep ($47 Value)

Bonus #1: A Clean Organic Energy Fuel ($47 Value)

Bonus #2: The Recovery tablets (Three Servings) with molecular hydrogen technology                                                                           ($47 Value)

Bonus #3: The “Get a Good Night’s Sleep” Insiders Guide ($97 Value)

Bonus #4: The Video of “5 steps to get a good night’s Sleep” DECODED  ($197 Value)

Bonus #5: The Exclusive interview with the Dr. Howard Cohn, aka the “Health Jedi”
                                                                                                                     ($997 Value)

Total Value: $1,432

But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only $11.99
Yes... for about the price of large pizza, you can be SURE to Get that GOOD Night's Sleep! 

YES Theresa! Send Me The 'BOOSTER Experience Pack' And ALL the Bonuses RIGHT NOW For Just $11.99 !
"My Proven One Night Method to Get a Restful Night's Sleep"
No matter how...
  • ​Stressful your day was. 
  • ​Tired you are chauffeuring your children to their after school activities. 
  • ​Irritated you are with your boss or coworkers.
  • ​Long your day was serving at church.
  • Much fun you had drinking with your friends.
  • ​​ Well you slept the night before. 
  • Exhausted you are running your business.
  • Anxious you are studying for your exam. 
  • ​Nervous you are preparing for your Big Day! 
  • ​Exhilarating your day was after a full day at the beach!
You may be asking... "Who is Theresa and can she really help me?"
-I’ve been a stay at home mom for 14 years, keeping the house clean, cooking complete meals. 

-I have 5 children. 

-I’ve homeschooled my kids for 7 years thus far. 

-i’ve been a fitness instructor for 8 years so far. 

-I’ve owned my own business for 9 years. 

I know what it feels like to be exhausted or tired and STILL not being able to have nights not being able to sleep. 

After just one night of taking the Booster, I had the best sleep I had ever had in a long time! No more tossing and turning for this mama through out the night! I woke up feeling refreshed and Ready for all that was ahead of me. 

What others are saying about the BOOSTER! 
Chelsea G., a busy stay-at-home mother of 2, who struggles with sleep, says this about the BOOSTER:

"It would take me a few hours to fall asleep at night! Sometimes, I suffer from extreme insomnia! But after taking the BOOSTER 3-4 capsules, I would fall asleep within 5 minutes and I do NOT wake up in the middle of the night! Since I've taken the BOOSTER, I've been sleeping consistently 7-8 hours every night! I wake up feeling refreshed every morning with NO side effects, no drowsiness. I HIGHLY recommend the BOOSTER to anyone who has trouble sleeping!!"
Another Casestudy Of Someone Using The Framework
Tell about the casestudy here...
This is Precisely What You're Getting Today with the 'Booster Experience Pack'  
 (For Just $11.99)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE when you ACT NOW!
Bonus #1 - A Clean Organic Energy Fuel
The Energy WITHOUT the Crash!
Total Value: $47
You will receive ONE serving of how AMAZING this Energy fuel is! 
NO Sugar. NO Crash. NO JittersFocused Energy. Plant-based Energy w/ Organic Green coffee extract. Informed Sport Certified. 
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The Booster Experience Pack' Today! 
Bonus #2 - The Recovery (Tablets) with Hydrogen Molecular Technology
"Help REDUCE the Lactic Acid Build Up in Your Body!"
Total Value: $47
You'll receive THREE servings of this amazing product which is a patented RAPID-RELEASE molecular hydrogen producing tablet that amplifies the alkalizing effects in the body. SUPPORTS physical and mental energy. ENHANCES body's anti-aging mechanisms. SUPPORTS Body's major organs & systems. 
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The Booster Experience Pack' Today! 
Bonus #3 - The "Get a Good Night's Sleep" Insider's Guide
Total Value: $97
This is a checklist in pdf form for you to print out so you can have an easy quick way to see what steps you can take to help you towards getting that's GOOD NIGHT'S REST! 
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The Booster Experience Pack' Today! 
Bonus #4 - Video of "5 Steps to Get a Good Night's Sleep" Decoded 
Total Value: $197
In this video, I will break down into further detail those steps you need to talk in order to help yourself ensure that GOOD NIGHT'S REST!
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The Booster Experience Pack' Today! 
Bonus #5 - Exclusive Interview with Dr. Howard Cohn, AKA "The Health Jedi" 
Total Value: $997
In this interview with Dr. Howard Cohn, we will highlight the technology behind the Booster, the Energy Fuel, and the Recovery! Also, we will share more about the important correlation between sleep and a healthy lifestyle. 
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The Booster Experience Pack' Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
Now, you might be thinking, this all sounds really amazing, but What's the Catch? 


I sincerely want you to Experience this Booster so that you can finally have a GOOD NIGHT'S REST! and Wake up feeling refreshed to take on everything you have to do for the day! I just KNOW that when you take the Booster, you will sleep SO well that you WILL become a customer FOR LIFE
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
Now, this offer will not last forever...so TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT NOW

If you're sick and tired of not being able to have that GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP, NOW is the PERFECT TIME to make that change!
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
If for any reason you don't get that Good Night's Rest, Let me know (within 30 days) and I'll refund your money. You can still keep all the bonuses and get value from it in the future. 
You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order The 
'Booster Experience Pack'.
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES Theresa! Give Me Instant Access To The 'Booster Experience Pack' and the Bonuses RIGHT NOW For Just $11.99 !
  The Booster Experience Pack         (Value $47)
  Bonus #1: The Clean Energy Fuel    (Value $47)
  Bonus #2: The Recovery                   (Value $47)
  Bonus #3: The "Get a Good Night's Sleep" Insider's Guide  
                                                           (Value $97)
  Bonus #4: The Video “5 Steps To Get a Good Night’s Sleep” DECODED                                                                     (Value $197)
  Bonus #5: The Exclusive interview with Dr. Howard Cohn, aka the                      “Health Jedi”                                (Value $997)
Total Value: $1,432
Today Just $11.99
That's it! If you want to get a GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP, just try the BOOSTER

I hope to hear Great results soon!!

Thanks again,
Mother Theresa
P.S. The point of the matter is, if you want to get that GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP and wake up feeling Refreshed, The BOOSTER will do just that for you! 

 To make it even better, you will get the Booster Experience Pack along with ALL the awesome bonuses for just $11.99! Act now -  your satisfaction is guaranteed! 
YES Theresa! Send me the 'BOOSTER Experience Pack' RIGHT NOW For Just $11.99 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • The Booster Experience Pack Access To  (Value $47)
  • Bonus #1: The Clean Energy Fuel (Value $47)
  • ​Bonus #2: The Recovery (Value $47)
  • Bonus #3: The "Get A Good Night's Sleep" Insider's Guide    (Value $97)
  • Bonus #4: Video "5 Steps To Get a Good Night's Sleep" Decoded  (Value $197)
  • Bonus #5: Interview with Dr. Howard Cohn, The "Health Jedi"  (Value $997)
Total Value: $1,432
Today Just $11.99

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $10: Along with the amazing BOOSTER experience pack, you can get the transcription of the Interview with Dr. Howard Cohn. It's an easy way to share about this amazing product with your friends and family.

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